Hi everyone.
I wanted to make a quick post and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Postings and new information has been a bit skimpy of late, but there is a good explanation.
The last few months have been pretty busy even by my standards. I am back to working construction, and really not sure how. It just sort of evolved. This has left little time to make new products or even do any design work. Long hours in the cold, Carharts, and Advil. Steel has gotten a lot heavier since I was in my 20's BTW. It has been very fortunate that this job came along when it did. The guys are great to work for and I needed the cash to prepare for the merciless pummeling leveled by the IRS next month. Mordor has a less frightening enforcement agency. Reality is a harsh master and we all have to do what we got to do.
The job is on an as-needed basis. Once the work gets caught up there will be plenty of time for more tinkering in the workshop. For the very immediate future there is only time to fill orders. So the new molds are setting and waiting.
In the meantime you are spared more of my opinions and factually ambiguous non-sense.
So enjoy your Holiday, and be of good cheer. We made it through another year and we can all be glad for that.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
A small step for man............
Hi folks,
Been pretty busy as usual. Made a lot of widgets and been working on some people. I painted a few up-
A lot of problems are sorted- mainly the "heroic" scale and getting the parts to fit. My painting has always been of the style to get the whole army done and usable, so someday will have to find someone to paint stuff better.
I have looked over these guys quite a bit, and will drop some in the store. While not exactly Gundham kits, they are quite serviceable as stand in troops. The sprue has variant heads and a couple gun variations. I like them and once again learned a lot in the process. The next release is going to really rock.
Making people was the goal from the very start. It is amazing how quickly the time goes by while making stuff like knife handles and other odds and ends. People are challenging and perhaps I have been a bit timid in tackling them. This is only my 4th organic mold attempt. The troll had problems getting his stomach in to his legs, the female conscripts were too accurately scaled and therefore looked puny, and the other female regulars had a couple issues also with scale and fitments.
With any luck something else will be coming along soon. Sort of depends on the widget market. The female regulars are something I am anxious to have another go at and with the demise of the gremlin army the CNC machine is now more usable.
In other boring news, I managed to set up UPS shipping on the store. You may have noticed some 404 errors. Yes that was me making mistakes once again. It should be working OK. But now UPS shipping is enabled. This does not affect US customers much, (USPS is most likely cheaper) but for overseas customers I am hoping it gives a better option and saves money. The deal I got working gives you a 50% saving over retail shipping rates. It is kind of complicated, but they seem to think I ship as much as Amazon so gave me the same discount. I have no idea if this is going to make a difference overall, but it is the best I figured out so far. I cringe when I see the shipping charges leveled against European customers. And judging from the volume of abandoned shopping carts I am not the only one. Any feedback from Europe is welcome, as I have no way of seeing if it saves much or not.
Also, I decided from the very start to only use pay-pal. With all the security breaches going on it is best to let some pros handle things. I would be very distraught if someone had a card hacked on my web store. I plan to never accept credit cards directly and all payments are handled by pay-pal. If you absolutely hate pay-pal you can always shop on Amazon, where I have been slowly been adding items for sale. They have some pretty strict policies and an upload interface worse than the tax code, but people do like to shop there. (I am guilty of this on occasion)
I have been playing some ASL and a few card games. (the 40K card game from FFG is pretty awesome) Tried Malifaux and some other bits. Not any real proper minis game for a while. (a skirmish game is not a proper wargame to me) so will be going to Fall-In to get in a few games. This is the first time in years I got to a convention, since before I started spending weekends with disabled people. Going to cons is always inspiring. I think having the transmission fall out of my almost new truck last time was merely a fluke. Maybe a gremlin stowed away and sabotaged it.
Overall it has been a slow process, but I am actually looking at some of my own hard plastic minis in the display cabinet.
The first ones, but not the last. :)
Have a great weekend everyone.
Been pretty busy as usual. Made a lot of widgets and been working on some people. I painted a few up-
A lot of problems are sorted- mainly the "heroic" scale and getting the parts to fit. My painting has always been of the style to get the whole army done and usable, so someday will have to find someone to paint stuff better.
I have looked over these guys quite a bit, and will drop some in the store. While not exactly Gundham kits, they are quite serviceable as stand in troops. The sprue has variant heads and a couple gun variations. I like them and once again learned a lot in the process. The next release is going to really rock.
Making people was the goal from the very start. It is amazing how quickly the time goes by while making stuff like knife handles and other odds and ends. People are challenging and perhaps I have been a bit timid in tackling them. This is only my 4th organic mold attempt. The troll had problems getting his stomach in to his legs, the female conscripts were too accurately scaled and therefore looked puny, and the other female regulars had a couple issues also with scale and fitments.
With any luck something else will be coming along soon. Sort of depends on the widget market. The female regulars are something I am anxious to have another go at and with the demise of the gremlin army the CNC machine is now more usable.
In other boring news, I managed to set up UPS shipping on the store. You may have noticed some 404 errors. Yes that was me making mistakes once again. It should be working OK. But now UPS shipping is enabled. This does not affect US customers much, (USPS is most likely cheaper) but for overseas customers I am hoping it gives a better option and saves money. The deal I got working gives you a 50% saving over retail shipping rates. It is kind of complicated, but they seem to think I ship as much as Amazon so gave me the same discount. I have no idea if this is going to make a difference overall, but it is the best I figured out so far. I cringe when I see the shipping charges leveled against European customers. And judging from the volume of abandoned shopping carts I am not the only one. Any feedback from Europe is welcome, as I have no way of seeing if it saves much or not.
Also, I decided from the very start to only use pay-pal. With all the security breaches going on it is best to let some pros handle things. I would be very distraught if someone had a card hacked on my web store. I plan to never accept credit cards directly and all payments are handled by pay-pal. If you absolutely hate pay-pal you can always shop on Amazon, where I have been slowly been adding items for sale. They have some pretty strict policies and an upload interface worse than the tax code, but people do like to shop there. (I am guilty of this on occasion)
I have been playing some ASL and a few card games. (the 40K card game from FFG is pretty awesome) Tried Malifaux and some other bits. Not any real proper minis game for a while. (a skirmish game is not a proper wargame to me) so will be going to Fall-In to get in a few games. This is the first time in years I got to a convention, since before I started spending weekends with disabled people. Going to cons is always inspiring. I think having the transmission fall out of my almost new truck last time was merely a fluke. Maybe a gremlin stowed away and sabotaged it.
Overall it has been a slow process, but I am actually looking at some of my own hard plastic minis in the display cabinet.
The first ones, but not the last. :)
Have a great weekend everyone.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Happy Labor Day
Just a quick note today. I have had a couple people ask about the Trencher tanks, and I have made some more and they are available again. These are a little different. I was changing colors so some are yellow, some are red, and some are a mash-up of the 2. All are the same plastic so they will paint up the same. Some day an unopened pack of mixed colors will fetch a fortune on the collector market. Providing I somehow become more than an anonymous nobody.
These tanks require nitrogen to avoid having a sinkhole in the turret, and I had some red and yellow already mixed with the additive from a widget contract. So-I made some colorful tanks with it.
I made a change also, they are now $7 per pack, but each pack now has 2 tanks. The net result is a little nicer packaging over the old way of using small bags and stapling them together in batches. I am using larger bags now so can fit more in each bag.
Please return to your regularly scheduled celebration of labor, which is usually commemorated by taking time off.
These tanks require nitrogen to avoid having a sinkhole in the turret, and I had some red and yellow already mixed with the additive from a widget contract. So-I made some colorful tanks with it.
I made a change also, they are now $7 per pack, but each pack now has 2 tanks. The net result is a little nicer packaging over the old way of using small bags and stapling them together in batches. I am using larger bags now so can fit more in each bag.
Please return to your regularly scheduled celebration of labor, which is usually commemorated by taking time off.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
More history of gaming..........for those of you too young to remember.
Hi folks,
Just got some odds and ends on my mind and thought I would share some more highly unpopular opinions.
But first, some store news. I am going to try and make some more tanks. They might be red, since I got that with nitro already. Seems like no one bought any for a long time, and now people seem to want them.
Also, here are some pics of some bases I painted with the bits on them.
They are 30 and 50mm in size. I actually did not really paint the top one. It is grey plastic with some watered down black paint over it. I am waiting on some new paints. I purchased them last November in a kick starter and they are scheduled to ship this December. To put that in perspective, if I had gotten my wife pregnant at the same time I paid for those paints the baby would be crawling before the paints arrived.
I also made some slotta bases.
So that is the latest. I made some new figures, but they are too small again. I am going to try to increase the size by 10% and run them again. If I can keep the gremlins in check.
And now I want to tell a story, which might not be safe for work.
I want to talk about my friend "Dan". He passed away some years ago but I need to tell people a little about him. This is not done to disrespect him, but it is some funny moments I remember him by. I could use a good laugh sometimes and miss his antics.
Dan was the first person to begin complaining about what he called "miniature specific" games. Years ago you could pretty much throw a couple of Chips Ahoy cookies on the table and use them as mud golems in a battle if you wanted to. As time went by rules writers learned to create specific rules for specific minis. A unit of archers were no longer just archers, they were some sort of Fern Guardians. And now your regular wood elf minis were useless, because you had to buy Fern Guardians to enjoy the perks that came along with owning these specific minis.
Dan quickly rejected this. He was a master story teller and wanted to name his own bloody troops. His Empire troops for WFB were Gubenheimers. Had his own color schemes and all. When I say that Dan was a master story teller, I mean that. He spun tall tales with a vengeance. And no matter how absurd, he always had an out so he could avoid ever admitting he was fabricating the entire thing. This out was usually proceeded by the word "luckily". For example, he was in an elevator when the cable broke. "Luckily" he was on the ground floor.
Dan's greatest tale occurred one night while I was changing the water pump in his Pinto. I lived near a large sports field complex at that time and cars were driving in and out as I struggled with the cramped Pinto engine compartment in the heat. Dan told me that this was a popular make out spot for teens. In fact, he had frequented it an many occasions. I kept my mouth shut and worked on the Pinto. Then Dan tells me that he had such an active sex life that he had developed gangrene of the testicles, which he claims is common among guys with his level of activity. The condition was so bad he had to have one removed.
In an instant I knew he had screwed up and told a story I could disprove beyond any doubt, although it was going to be more than a bit awkward.
It took only a second for Dan to extricate himself from the situation. "Luckily, I was born with three." He then went to great lengths to bemoan all the bad things he had to endure as someone with such an affliction. Having a full beard at age 12, being so muscle bound he could walk across the bottom of the deep end of the pool, and having a body fat percentage so low he lacked the fat needed to lubricate his joints and developed arthritis.
The story lasted for hours. By the time I had topped off the radiator in the Pinto I was feeling sorry for the guy. I was just happy he had managed to handily overcome his buoyancy and arthritic conditions.
The point to all of this, is Dan and I got started back in the old days. You got a piece of graph paper and you decided what was what. Nothing was standardized. Then some one started writing modules, and the modules started telling you what to say when the players enter the room. It as just to save time, or whatever. And things got more and more standardized. There was no longer a need for someone like Dan to use that unique and endearing imagination to bring life to a square on a piece of graph paper. Or to name the units in his army, or his champion, or general or whatever. He glued foam to the heads of his ogres and made them look like they had a perm or an afro. Now that took imagination. I loved finding out what he had concocted next.
I went to a tournament one time and used an entirely proxied army of chaos warriors. It was simply awesome and a sure thing to win the theme award. I had chaos chariots pulled by saber tooths and crewed by topless female savages. And that was just for starters. But I was wrong and it was just glanced over, as everyone only had eyes for GW models. Kind of strange to me. I was expecting people to see imagination and uniqueness, but all they saw was "unofficial".
As I look at the flood of miniatures specific games, I wish Dan was still around to find out what he thinks of all of this. Do people no longer WANT to create their own description of the room contents, and prefer reading from a box? Maybe, but do they know what they are missing when someone like Dan decides to really go all out to spin a story? Corporate imagination is not always better than individual imagination. Try it sometime, it kind of feels good.
Have a great weekend everyone, and enjoy your gaming buddies while you can. They may drive you crazy at times but you will miss them when they are not around.
Just got some odds and ends on my mind and thought I would share some more highly unpopular opinions.
But first, some store news. I am going to try and make some more tanks. They might be red, since I got that with nitro already. Seems like no one bought any for a long time, and now people seem to want them.
Also, here are some pics of some bases I painted with the bits on them.
They are 30 and 50mm in size. I actually did not really paint the top one. It is grey plastic with some watered down black paint over it. I am waiting on some new paints. I purchased them last November in a kick starter and they are scheduled to ship this December. To put that in perspective, if I had gotten my wife pregnant at the same time I paid for those paints the baby would be crawling before the paints arrived.
I also made some slotta bases.
So that is the latest. I made some new figures, but they are too small again. I am going to try to increase the size by 10% and run them again. If I can keep the gremlins in check.
And now I want to tell a story, which might not be safe for work.
I want to talk about my friend "Dan". He passed away some years ago but I need to tell people a little about him. This is not done to disrespect him, but it is some funny moments I remember him by. I could use a good laugh sometimes and miss his antics.
Dan was the first person to begin complaining about what he called "miniature specific" games. Years ago you could pretty much throw a couple of Chips Ahoy cookies on the table and use them as mud golems in a battle if you wanted to. As time went by rules writers learned to create specific rules for specific minis. A unit of archers were no longer just archers, they were some sort of Fern Guardians. And now your regular wood elf minis were useless, because you had to buy Fern Guardians to enjoy the perks that came along with owning these specific minis.
Dan quickly rejected this. He was a master story teller and wanted to name his own bloody troops. His Empire troops for WFB were Gubenheimers. Had his own color schemes and all. When I say that Dan was a master story teller, I mean that. He spun tall tales with a vengeance. And no matter how absurd, he always had an out so he could avoid ever admitting he was fabricating the entire thing. This out was usually proceeded by the word "luckily". For example, he was in an elevator when the cable broke. "Luckily" he was on the ground floor.
Dan's greatest tale occurred one night while I was changing the water pump in his Pinto. I lived near a large sports field complex at that time and cars were driving in and out as I struggled with the cramped Pinto engine compartment in the heat. Dan told me that this was a popular make out spot for teens. In fact, he had frequented it an many occasions. I kept my mouth shut and worked on the Pinto. Then Dan tells me that he had such an active sex life that he had developed gangrene of the testicles, which he claims is common among guys with his level of activity. The condition was so bad he had to have one removed.
In an instant I knew he had screwed up and told a story I could disprove beyond any doubt, although it was going to be more than a bit awkward.
It took only a second for Dan to extricate himself from the situation. "Luckily, I was born with three." He then went to great lengths to bemoan all the bad things he had to endure as someone with such an affliction. Having a full beard at age 12, being so muscle bound he could walk across the bottom of the deep end of the pool, and having a body fat percentage so low he lacked the fat needed to lubricate his joints and developed arthritis.
The story lasted for hours. By the time I had topped off the radiator in the Pinto I was feeling sorry for the guy. I was just happy he had managed to handily overcome his buoyancy and arthritic conditions.
The point to all of this, is Dan and I got started back in the old days. You got a piece of graph paper and you decided what was what. Nothing was standardized. Then some one started writing modules, and the modules started telling you what to say when the players enter the room. It as just to save time, or whatever. And things got more and more standardized. There was no longer a need for someone like Dan to use that unique and endearing imagination to bring life to a square on a piece of graph paper. Or to name the units in his army, or his champion, or general or whatever. He glued foam to the heads of his ogres and made them look like they had a perm or an afro. Now that took imagination. I loved finding out what he had concocted next.
I went to a tournament one time and used an entirely proxied army of chaos warriors. It was simply awesome and a sure thing to win the theme award. I had chaos chariots pulled by saber tooths and crewed by topless female savages. And that was just for starters. But I was wrong and it was just glanced over, as everyone only had eyes for GW models. Kind of strange to me. I was expecting people to see imagination and uniqueness, but all they saw was "unofficial".
As I look at the flood of miniatures specific games, I wish Dan was still around to find out what he thinks of all of this. Do people no longer WANT to create their own description of the room contents, and prefer reading from a box? Maybe, but do they know what they are missing when someone like Dan decides to really go all out to spin a story? Corporate imagination is not always better than individual imagination. Try it sometime, it kind of feels good.
Have a great weekend everyone, and enjoy your gaming buddies while you can. They may drive you crazy at times but you will miss them when they are not around.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Hi folks. Been a while since I had posted much so I thought I would throw out some random non-related tid-bits. Back in the shop things are slowly building to bigger and better things, and it seems we got a plan. I keep grinning like a donkey eating briars as my uncle would say.
First off, a couple of new things in the store. Some new base sizes that were requested by customers.
75mm round, 90mm round, and 25 X 50 pill bases. Pretty much got you covered with bases. And now you got something to cover your bases-
I call it bits for bases 1. I hope more to follow. The first try at this included some smaller parts of ammo and such. There was a most untimely power outage that made them not so good. Instead of making it a complete loss I kept the good parts and will try again on the other side.
Here is the way it was supposed to be.
The tanks I used to make are off the store for now, probably forever. I hate using nitro, unless in conjunction with glycerin. My personal quest to recreate Barbarossa 1941 using 40K style models in 15mm has been modified a bit. I am now enamored with 1/72 scale. Mostly because I think it is the smallest scale I can make decent infantry with someday. I have an agreement with a company who makes model WW2 tanks in 1/72 scale. They will allow me to make conversion sprues for their tanks to give them a little "grimdark". This is going to save me a ton of effort. Someday at a convention near you look out for Stalingrad, 1/72 scale, with powered armor SS.
There has been a lengthy delay due to a gremlin counter-attack. It may sound like a poor excuse, but they are many and fierce. Frustrating can not begin to describe having random glitches that broke bits, destroyed metal and wasted weeks. Turns out one was a speck of dirt in an optical sensor. I guess being a slob with cleaning has its drawbacks. For now they are at bay, although they never really seem to be completely defeated. It may seem I am making this up, but the minor problems are too many to be a coincidence. This is a concerted effort by some nefarious group to derail my already fragile sanity. I would be a gazillionaire by now if it were not for these little problems.
I have also decided to curtail any criticism of government regulations. They are a foe beyond reckoning. Let me give you a brief example- I set down with a drink to play a game of chess on the PC. Naturally I set it to a pretty easy setting because I hate to have my pawns beaten up. Well, "someone" was remotely adjusting the difficulty setting. Talk about payback, the computer mopped the floor with me. By the time I had emptied a second glass of brandy, my men were pulverized. I was so dismayed that I had to take a nap. At once. That was just plain wrong and I think a waste of tax payer resources. How much did they have to pay to hire Kasparov to humiliate me? I got a rematch coming with that dude...............
There is another project in the works which I can only say is going to be kind of cool. I am having some custom software written that is going to make my life a whole lot easier. It will complete tedious, time consuming tasks automatically. I have been searching for a program that can do this for some time, and it either does not exist or not even the 1% could afford it. But if I can make my own, it is going to be extremely useful. I will be installing it later today. Crossing my fingers on this one.
And finally, speaking of the 1%, I noticed that the largest minis company in the world is searching for a new CEO. They claim they hire based on attitude and not talent. Well let me tell you, they hit the jackpot. You would be hard pressed to find anyone with less talent and more attitude than me. I thought about applying but the commute would be a chore.
In any event, have a great weekend folks, and keep grinning.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Some time off for good behavior........or something like that.
It has been some time since I last posted, and not a lot has occurred. I have been actually doing 2 things of late. Firstly trying to get me head around what I am supposed to do about complying with all the crap I have to regarding government regulations. I made a little video to illustrate this point:
I apologize for sounding a bit too Patrick Henry and all, but simply put I will never put myself in a position from which I can not recover. I am not in any way attempting to avoid paying my fair share, ( OK, that phrase usually makes me ill...) it is just trying to determine what that is and what forms need filed takes too much effort and money. As mentioned in a previous post I finally got an accountant. He developed some health problems and left me feeling a bit lost and bewildered. I hired some ace QuickBooks person to come over and purchased the top of the line accounting software. To be honest at this point I am supremely frustrated..... it should not be this costly and time consuming. And the veiled threat of the iron fist of the IRS is looming behind everything. They wield ultimate power. If Darth Vader had the One Ring he would still pale in comparison to their omnipotence.
The second thing I have been doing is waiting for the kick starter fad to sort itself out. I know I piss off a lot of people with my overly open assessment of things, but this one has me confused a bit. It seems to me that it makes no sense. Again I find myself bewildered and I made another video to illustrate the point;
I know a lot of people simply LOVE kick starter. For me personally it seems ludicrous, so I am setting and watching. If it is here to stay and the future of the industry it might make sense for me to accept that fact and move on to something else.
I am still working on things as time allows and shipping orders as they come in. Bases are a steady seller, but other stuff not so much. There are a couple of odds and ends in the final stages of completion and as soon as I find some time and ambition I will get them released. Some pretty odd ideas have been bouncing around my head and I have not had the time to get them finalized.
Anyhow, wanted to drop a line and say I am still alive. Just enjoying the summer weather and trying to keep my paper work all sorted.
Have a great 4th of July. Enjoy some fireworks and eat a few hot dogs.
I apologize for sounding a bit too Patrick Henry and all, but simply put I will never put myself in a position from which I can not recover. I am not in any way attempting to avoid paying my fair share, ( OK, that phrase usually makes me ill...) it is just trying to determine what that is and what forms need filed takes too much effort and money. As mentioned in a previous post I finally got an accountant. He developed some health problems and left me feeling a bit lost and bewildered. I hired some ace QuickBooks person to come over and purchased the top of the line accounting software. To be honest at this point I am supremely frustrated..... it should not be this costly and time consuming. And the veiled threat of the iron fist of the IRS is looming behind everything. They wield ultimate power. If Darth Vader had the One Ring he would still pale in comparison to their omnipotence.
The second thing I have been doing is waiting for the kick starter fad to sort itself out. I know I piss off a lot of people with my overly open assessment of things, but this one has me confused a bit. It seems to me that it makes no sense. Again I find myself bewildered and I made another video to illustrate the point;
I know a lot of people simply LOVE kick starter. For me personally it seems ludicrous, so I am setting and watching. If it is here to stay and the future of the industry it might make sense for me to accept that fact and move on to something else.
I am still working on things as time allows and shipping orders as they come in. Bases are a steady seller, but other stuff not so much. There are a couple of odds and ends in the final stages of completion and as soon as I find some time and ambition I will get them released. Some pretty odd ideas have been bouncing around my head and I have not had the time to get them finalized.
Anyhow, wanted to drop a line and say I am still alive. Just enjoying the summer weather and trying to keep my paper work all sorted.
Have a great 4th of July. Enjoy some fireworks and eat a few hot dogs.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
A kickstarter that sounds cool.
Just a quick shout out to the guys at Epic Rage!
Grab your wallet and click here damn it!
I have no idea how I stumbled across this but I want this to fund so I can get another rules set to read and a cool T-shirt.
I sort of like this style of kick starter, small time guy with an idea. If it funds I can have a T-shirt to express my mood when I go to vote.
OK, that is it for now. Except this shot of a recent game featuring minis and hexes. Two great tastes that go great together!
Yes, those are some Epic minis and that is my home made hex grid. I am slowly working on the grand project- ASL in minis!!!!
And yes I am trying to get something done in the shop, between all the other things going on. it sometimes seems like I get nothing done, but then I realize I am only one person and still doing this part time. Someday I will have a legion of minions!
In any event- give Epic Rage a look over and see if we can push him over the top.
And have a great spring. After this winter I am smiling so much my face aches.
Grab your wallet and click here damn it!
I have no idea how I stumbled across this but I want this to fund so I can get another rules set to read and a cool T-shirt.
I sort of like this style of kick starter, small time guy with an idea. If it funds I can have a T-shirt to express my mood when I go to vote.
OK, that is it for now. Except this shot of a recent game featuring minis and hexes. Two great tastes that go great together!
Yes, those are some Epic minis and that is my home made hex grid. I am slowly working on the grand project- ASL in minis!!!!
And yes I am trying to get something done in the shop, between all the other things going on. it sometimes seems like I get nothing done, but then I realize I am only one person and still doing this part time. Someday I will have a legion of minions!
In any event- give Epic Rage a look over and see if we can push him over the top.
And have a great spring. After this winter I am smiling so much my face aches.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
George R.R. Martin vs. J.R.R. Tolkien
Today I am going to compare 2 book series. Both of which have been adapted in to movies or TV series.
Game of Thrones is a lengthy book series written by Martin. I was loaned the first book by a friend years ago and got hooked. I read the next few novels before giving up sometime around the Feast of Crows. It is considered more "adult" than the usual PG rated fantasy stuff.
Lord of the Rings was pretty much the building block of the entire fantasy genre. It helped spawn the fantasy role play industry and made millions of us set around rolling funny dice and pretending to be elves for years.
Game of Thrones deals with some pretty serious topics, such as rape, incest, torture, betrayal, murder, child molestation, rape, back stabbing, killing children, killing your lover, killing your family, etc.
Lord of the Rings tells a very well crafted tale of the corruption of power and how it seduces the most well meaning of people. It is extremely relevant to our world every day as global leaders become drunk on power and proceed to turn into monsters. It is an important lesson rolled in to a good story. I think it carries a moral that one can apply to your life in a meaningful way. If you ever become a parent, teacher, government official or boss it is very important that you do not allow your power to turn you in to a monster.
Game of Thrones is set in the world of Westeros. It is a brutal place where virtually every inhabitant is a cruel and unethical monster. The place is so horrific that is boggles the mind that everyone has not killed themselves in dismay. If you lived in Westeros and Hannibal Lector moved in next door it would most likely be an improvement. To make matter worse, half the leaders are fighting to set in a chair made of pointy spikes and willing to do anything to take the throne. All the while ignoring the approaching doom of a bunch of undead creatures.
Lord of the Rings is set in Middle Earth. A world so rich that even after reading multiple books you always feel like you are just getting a glimpse of the history. There are numerous creatures of all shapes and sizes. And there are a lot of good and decent folks.
Westeros is so horrifying that I would not go there if you paid me. The one redeeming feature of Westeros is that it makes one glad to NOT be there. No matter how bad your real life is, after reading the series you can not help but rejoice that you are not in Westeros. If Satan were to read the Song of Fire and Ice he would look around and realize these slackers in hell have it way too easy. If the Sound of Music were set in Westeros half of the Von Trapp family would be dead, raped and tortured within the first 20 minutes of the movie ( by each other most likely).
By contrast, Middle Earth would be on my bucket list if it were real. I would take in a concert in Rivendell and have tea and biscuits in Bag End. The place is filled with heroes. Characters you can not help but admire.
In the Song of Fire and Ice, the minute you start thinking a character is pretty cool it is a safe bet they are about to get killed, raped, blinded, or meet some other sort of grisly fate. Like being blinded while being raped to death in a torture chamber. Do not become emotionally invested in anyone in these books, you are just being baited by the author who seems to delight in kicking the readers in the teeth. Really hard and with malice. Over and over again. I really thought the Wildlings were neat and that red haired chick really did not deserve.........well I do not want to spoil things in case you have not read it. But it really becomes predictable after a while.
While over in Middle Earth, good triumphs in the end.
The Lord of the Rings has been sometimes criticized for being a bit ponderous at the start. And yes the first chapter about the birthday party is a little slow. The rest of the book is fine and never bores you.
The Song of Fire and Ice starts OK. However, by the time I read a Feast for Crows I realized I had just read about a million pages and nothing had happened. To make matters worse-entire characters had been completely ignored. Whole plot lines had been simply left hanging while entirely new characters and plots were introduced. It is almost like the author got bored and simply gave up. Maybe he wrote himself in to a corner and could not figure out how to get out of it so he just started over again. After all, there are entirely new areas of the world to fill with misery and wanton destruction. There really are too many characters to keep track of. It is ludicrous to think a single story should contain so many people. This should have been broken up in to many different books instead of trying to smash them all in to one. In the end it simply lost my interest. It also really is a depressing story to read. Taking time to read something so bleak seems to be quite silly. Recreation should do something to lift the spirits and take us away from the problems in the real world for a little while.
So that is my book review for the week. I got sick of seeing Game of Thrones plastered everywhere in the magazines and thought I would warn people of just how bad it really is. Between Game of Thrones and that Kardashian chick it is starting to become scary to think just how bad tastes have become.
Or maybe I have just gotten so out of touch....................must be an age thing because I still have no idea what that Kardashian chick does to be famous and I do not see how in the world Game of Thrones ever made it to a TV series. Unless a maker of anti-depressants wanted to increase sales and decided allowing Martin to crush every one's soul would help.
In any event, opinions expressed here are just my own and most likely wrong. As usual.
Have a great day folks and keep your eyes open for the new web-site. It is being worked at this very moment.
Game of Thrones is a lengthy book series written by Martin. I was loaned the first book by a friend years ago and got hooked. I read the next few novels before giving up sometime around the Feast of Crows. It is considered more "adult" than the usual PG rated fantasy stuff.
Lord of the Rings was pretty much the building block of the entire fantasy genre. It helped spawn the fantasy role play industry and made millions of us set around rolling funny dice and pretending to be elves for years.
Game of Thrones deals with some pretty serious topics, such as rape, incest, torture, betrayal, murder, child molestation, rape, back stabbing, killing children, killing your lover, killing your family, etc.
Lord of the Rings tells a very well crafted tale of the corruption of power and how it seduces the most well meaning of people. It is extremely relevant to our world every day as global leaders become drunk on power and proceed to turn into monsters. It is an important lesson rolled in to a good story. I think it carries a moral that one can apply to your life in a meaningful way. If you ever become a parent, teacher, government official or boss it is very important that you do not allow your power to turn you in to a monster.
Game of Thrones is set in the world of Westeros. It is a brutal place where virtually every inhabitant is a cruel and unethical monster. The place is so horrific that is boggles the mind that everyone has not killed themselves in dismay. If you lived in Westeros and Hannibal Lector moved in next door it would most likely be an improvement. To make matter worse, half the leaders are fighting to set in a chair made of pointy spikes and willing to do anything to take the throne. All the while ignoring the approaching doom of a bunch of undead creatures.
Lord of the Rings is set in Middle Earth. A world so rich that even after reading multiple books you always feel like you are just getting a glimpse of the history. There are numerous creatures of all shapes and sizes. And there are a lot of good and decent folks.
Westeros is so horrifying that I would not go there if you paid me. The one redeeming feature of Westeros is that it makes one glad to NOT be there. No matter how bad your real life is, after reading the series you can not help but rejoice that you are not in Westeros. If Satan were to read the Song of Fire and Ice he would look around and realize these slackers in hell have it way too easy. If the Sound of Music were set in Westeros half of the Von Trapp family would be dead, raped and tortured within the first 20 minutes of the movie ( by each other most likely).
By contrast, Middle Earth would be on my bucket list if it were real. I would take in a concert in Rivendell and have tea and biscuits in Bag End. The place is filled with heroes. Characters you can not help but admire.
In the Song of Fire and Ice, the minute you start thinking a character is pretty cool it is a safe bet they are about to get killed, raped, blinded, or meet some other sort of grisly fate. Like being blinded while being raped to death in a torture chamber. Do not become emotionally invested in anyone in these books, you are just being baited by the author who seems to delight in kicking the readers in the teeth. Really hard and with malice. Over and over again. I really thought the Wildlings were neat and that red haired chick really did not deserve.........well I do not want to spoil things in case you have not read it. But it really becomes predictable after a while.
While over in Middle Earth, good triumphs in the end.
The Lord of the Rings has been sometimes criticized for being a bit ponderous at the start. And yes the first chapter about the birthday party is a little slow. The rest of the book is fine and never bores you.
The Song of Fire and Ice starts OK. However, by the time I read a Feast for Crows I realized I had just read about a million pages and nothing had happened. To make matters worse-entire characters had been completely ignored. Whole plot lines had been simply left hanging while entirely new characters and plots were introduced. It is almost like the author got bored and simply gave up. Maybe he wrote himself in to a corner and could not figure out how to get out of it so he just started over again. After all, there are entirely new areas of the world to fill with misery and wanton destruction. There really are too many characters to keep track of. It is ludicrous to think a single story should contain so many people. This should have been broken up in to many different books instead of trying to smash them all in to one. In the end it simply lost my interest. It also really is a depressing story to read. Taking time to read something so bleak seems to be quite silly. Recreation should do something to lift the spirits and take us away from the problems in the real world for a little while.
So that is my book review for the week. I got sick of seeing Game of Thrones plastered everywhere in the magazines and thought I would warn people of just how bad it really is. Between Game of Thrones and that Kardashian chick it is starting to become scary to think just how bad tastes have become.
Or maybe I have just gotten so out of touch....................must be an age thing because I still have no idea what that Kardashian chick does to be famous and I do not see how in the world Game of Thrones ever made it to a TV series. Unless a maker of anti-depressants wanted to increase sales and decided allowing Martin to crush every one's soul would help.
In any event, opinions expressed here are just my own and most likely wrong. As usual.
Have a great day folks and keep your eyes open for the new web-site. It is being worked at this very moment.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Great Article, but I was 4 years too early!
I read this and just had to share. This blog reads more like the diary of a lunatic, but it all started with working for a company. And getting to the point where there was really nothing left to lose. If you think maybe something is not right and want to read a really interesting article, take the red pill. If you want to keep dreaming, take the blue pill.
The Red Pill The Blue Pill
It takes a little while, and you are kind of unsure of yourself. But taking the red pill has a few advantages. I can not really explain it, but afternoon naps in the sunshine comes to mind.
There are times when it starts to seem like you might have made a mistake, like this winter when it was cold enough to cause involuntary gender re-assignment in the shop.
The IRS monster took his anger out, and somehow I avoided incarceration, even after I once visited a web site that may have been mildly critical of certain officials. (it was an unintentional click, for the record. Did you get that NSA?)
And eventually some like minded folks are starting to appear. And we are really starting to think we might actually make it out of the Matrix.
I got some new artwork for the packaging. It is going to be replacing all the old artwork.
Older style packaging will still be used while supplies last. In other words, if you buy a pack of DBX bases 10 years from now it will most likely have the old tag on it. If you get some 25mm rounds tonight it will have the new one.
This guy is going to be doing new artwork for me, including some actual instructions for the kits.
Are we starting to sound legit or what? Instruction diagrams! OMG!
The web page is finally being re-made. My son's girlfriend had to do a web page for a college project and I thought this was pretty much the most convenient event since I found that MRE under the seat of a 5-ton when I was in the desert and hungry. She is working on the project as we speak.
With the return of warmer weather things can actually happen. Including ludicrously optimistic ideas such as this.
This is a future challenge. The side pull- cam action mold. I am trying to convince a major corporation to grant me a license to make a car model. They seem to expect a certain level of professionalism. Let's hope they can have a "what the hell" moment and tell me to go ahead.
Below are the results of a couple of things. I made a smaller version of the modular building for someone's kick starter and it failed to fund. A first for kick starter it would seem. I hope to run some of these soon and get them in the store.
The Red Pill The Blue Pill
It takes a little while, and you are kind of unsure of yourself. But taking the red pill has a few advantages. I can not really explain it, but afternoon naps in the sunshine comes to mind.
There are times when it starts to seem like you might have made a mistake, like this winter when it was cold enough to cause involuntary gender re-assignment in the shop.
The IRS monster took his anger out, and somehow I avoided incarceration, even after I once visited a web site that may have been mildly critical of certain officials. (it was an unintentional click, for the record. Did you get that NSA?)
And eventually some like minded folks are starting to appear. And we are really starting to think we might actually make it out of the Matrix.
I got some new artwork for the packaging. It is going to be replacing all the old artwork.
Older style packaging will still be used while supplies last. In other words, if you buy a pack of DBX bases 10 years from now it will most likely have the old tag on it. If you get some 25mm rounds tonight it will have the new one.
This guy is going to be doing new artwork for me, including some actual instructions for the kits.
Are we starting to sound legit or what? Instruction diagrams! OMG!
The web page is finally being re-made. My son's girlfriend had to do a web page for a college project and I thought this was pretty much the most convenient event since I found that MRE under the seat of a 5-ton when I was in the desert and hungry. She is working on the project as we speak.
With the return of warmer weather things can actually happen. Including ludicrously optimistic ideas such as this.
This is a future challenge. The side pull- cam action mold. I am trying to convince a major corporation to grant me a license to make a car model. They seem to expect a certain level of professionalism. Let's hope they can have a "what the hell" moment and tell me to go ahead.
Below are the results of a couple of things. I made a smaller version of the modular building for someone's kick starter and it failed to fund. A first for kick starter it would seem. I hope to run some of these soon and get them in the store.
And you know what this is? One half of yet another attempt at making infantry. Will post pics of whatever pops out, no matter if it fails, ( again) or succeeds.
After that, there is more to come. Lots more. I get a lot more done with a few henchmen carrying the bags and opening doors.
Have a great weekend folks, and I hope the red pill did not make you crazy.
Friday, April 4, 2014
And now a Race Recap
And this is in some way a battle report!
A compilation of some races we had lately. Several of the cars are scratch built. I managed to secure a notable string of 5th and 6th place finishes throughout the evening. A feat made less glamorous by the fact only 6 cars race at a time.
Turn up the speakers, this song ROCKS!
Kind of a different style than gaming, but in a way it is historical. Just not military. We run mostly car replicas from the 60's.
It uses dice less rules where movement is determined by an electrical impulse. The game is played in phases called "laps". The winner is the person who accumulates the most laps in the least amount of time. You get the idea.
So this is why I get so little done. Sorry about that- I intend to correct that soon. But let's face it, this is kind of fun.
Note; This video was edited for wrecks and profanity. By coincidence they were both at the same spot in the video!
Have a great weekend!
A compilation of some races we had lately. Several of the cars are scratch built. I managed to secure a notable string of 5th and 6th place finishes throughout the evening. A feat made less glamorous by the fact only 6 cars race at a time.
Turn up the speakers, this song ROCKS!
Kind of a different style than gaming, but in a way it is historical. Just not military. We run mostly car replicas from the 60's.
It uses dice less rules where movement is determined by an electrical impulse. The game is played in phases called "laps". The winner is the person who accumulates the most laps in the least amount of time. You get the idea.
So this is why I get so little done. Sorry about that- I intend to correct that soon. But let's face it, this is kind of fun.
Note; This video was edited for wrecks and profanity. By coincidence they were both at the same spot in the video!
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Chipco game report. A fine way to spend a snowy Sunday.
Hi folks.
Something of note to report. I have partnered with Gangfight Games to offer some terrain for his Mechadrome game on kick starter. link to kick starter He is going to offer currently available terrain and I am also remaking the modular building at a 70% size reduction. This is my first tentative foray in to the realm of kick starter so we will see how it goes. You know my take on kick starter, but I got to evolve somehow.
Other than that it is mostly just trying not to freeze to death in this era of global warming. It really is just too easy to pick on those folks, and I should show a little more class. Except I have no class. In reality I am Duck Dynasty without the money. I am not trying to be controversial, but it seems surreal that folks demand total control over every aspect of the lives of every living and breathing creature on earth in order to combat a problem that only exists on a computer model. Kind of makes Orwell turn out to be an optimist.
But spring has to arrive sooner or later and I will get some work done.
In the meantime I managed to dust off some old minis and play a game of Chipco Fantasy Rules!. Second edition of course. I really suck at change. If it ain't broke, why fix it?
This battle featured a horde of barbarians squaring off against some civilized folks. Elliot was again my all to friendly opponent.
The game begins. We rolled no omens, and Elliot out scouted me by virtue of his light cav. He chose to set up second and move second. By virtue of his being able to see my deployment he cleverly had his main line overlap mine to my right. Both our lines were stronger on the left, although I was counting on a stand of trees to protect my right side from his knights. I moved my heavy chariots forward to try and break up the enemy line before the main battle begins. In FR! infantry units in formation support each other and give and receive bonuses. Cavalry, monsters, and other troops do not get this bonus. It is important to break up an enemy battle line as much as you can before you lock up. This gives a decisive advantage later. The preferred method is missile fire, but barbarians are a little more direct. I sent in the Standard miniatures chariots with the Chronopia figures riding in the back.
This pic shows the stage in the battle when all the preliminaries were over. At the top the mammoths were going full steam ahead. A unit of Empire ogres fights valiantly to hold them off, while the top most one stomps a canon crew in to a jelly.
Here my mammoths are surging forward. My earth shaman opens up a chasm in the ground to protect the flank of the mammoth from some more of the Empire ogres. This trick helped save my troops and was again the result of my much better luck with magic. These ogres were eventually wiped out by that last fanatic who went on a rampage.
This is where the battle was decided. While my mammoths were out being kept busy, Elliot's general and his retinue cut a path in to my battle line. He challenged my general to single combat and managed to capture him and held him as a prisoner. Then both ends folded in and my troops were forced to fight in opposite directions. This caused them to lose support for each other, which created more problems. In this photo you can see my general and shield bearers being carried along with Ellliot's knights. (We broke a model and substituted an unpainted centaur as a stand in.) My general managed to make his escape roll and rejoin my crumbling infantry line, only to be killed fighting the next turn.
This is Liberace in case you never heard of him. He always overdressed a bit. Below are pics of 2 women. If these were both minis one would be a lot better to paint for sure. But in real life one looks a lot tougher than the other in my opinion.
Anyhow, it was a lot of fun to roll dice and move figures. And in 4 days I will be hosting a slot car race night. If I get a moment I will take a few pics and post a report of that. Some of us are going to make ork battlewagons to race at some point. :)
It is really nice to have a pile of hobbies to keep me occupied. I rate FR! second edition every bit the equal of the very earliest Magic the Gathering and Squad Leader as the best games I have ever been fortunate enough to play. It is abstract in many areas but it plays very well. I only have a slight dislike for the missile fire system, and think undead are a little too tough. Other than that it is simply a delight.
If anything of note happens I will report it. And expect a smaller scale modular building to come along soon and be available in the store and on the kick starter . If it ever stops freezing.
Something of note to report. I have partnered with Gangfight Games to offer some terrain for his Mechadrome game on kick starter. link to kick starter He is going to offer currently available terrain and I am also remaking the modular building at a 70% size reduction. This is my first tentative foray in to the realm of kick starter so we will see how it goes. You know my take on kick starter, but I got to evolve somehow.
Other than that it is mostly just trying not to freeze to death in this era of global warming. It really is just too easy to pick on those folks, and I should show a little more class. Except I have no class. In reality I am Duck Dynasty without the money. I am not trying to be controversial, but it seems surreal that folks demand total control over every aspect of the lives of every living and breathing creature on earth in order to combat a problem that only exists on a computer model. Kind of makes Orwell turn out to be an optimist.
But spring has to arrive sooner or later and I will get some work done.
In the meantime I managed to dust off some old minis and play a game of Chipco Fantasy Rules!. Second edition of course. I really suck at change. If it ain't broke, why fix it?
This battle featured a horde of barbarians squaring off against some civilized folks. Elliot was again my all to friendly opponent.
Here is the main barbarian battle line. A lot of the old Copplestone figs from Grenadier, along with a smattering of other odds and ends.
Here is my general. Standing tall on his shield bearers. This a great fig from Harlequin.
This is the civilized folks. A real diversity of manufacturers. Some Essex and Old Glory pike units, some old Citadel crossbows, a unit from the Confrontation pre-paints, and a canon from unknown. This is the thing I love best about FR!. You get to use anything.
The game begins. We rolled no omens, and Elliot out scouted me by virtue of his light cav. He chose to set up second and move second. By virtue of his being able to see my deployment he cleverly had his main line overlap mine to my right. Both our lines were stronger on the left, although I was counting on a stand of trees to protect my right side from his knights. I moved my heavy chariots forward to try and break up the enemy line before the main battle begins. In FR! infantry units in formation support each other and give and receive bonuses. Cavalry, monsters, and other troops do not get this bonus. It is important to break up an enemy battle line as much as you can before you lock up. This gives a decisive advantage later. The preferred method is missile fire, but barbarians are a little more direct. I sent in the Standard miniatures chariots with the Chronopia figures riding in the back.
FR! also has a paper-rock-scissors aspect to it. Pike men get a bonus to attack units from the cavalry category, while hand weapons get a bonus to fight against pikes. The chariots were aimed at the enemy foot knights instead of the pike men. This did not go well, and after some bad impact rolls these units died pretty quickly. I hit both ends of the line and neither had any effect on the enemy. I was still looking at this intact battle line.
Here Elliot moves his reserve knights with his general to his right. I sent in my heaviest units to break this area and turn the whole flank of his line. This move was very timely and worked out well in the end for Elliot.
The woods on my extreme left was the start line for my elite fanatics. These troops fight as equal to whatever they face, and in the case of elites they get +1. FR! uses an opposed D10 system for combat. These 3 stands ran in to some problems with some light cavalry and 2 of them died pretty quickly. The last one really opened up a can and avenged his fallen brothers...........
This is the real punching power of the army. These are battlewagons, and oversized ones at that. FR! has a base equal a unit. But you can make a unit cover 2,4 or even 6 bases to make it more powerful and allow you to use larger models. These are double sized battlewagons and they surged forward.
This pic shows the stage in the battle when all the preliminaries were over. At the top the mammoths were going full steam ahead. A unit of Empire ogres fights valiantly to hold them off, while the top most one stomps a canon crew in to a jelly.
These are the units that held the line for Elliot. I had much better luck in the magic department and these guys were struck by spells again and again, but managed to hold me up long enough. They prevented my mammoths from getting around the flank.
Here my mammoths are surging forward. My earth shaman opens up a chasm in the ground to protect the flank of the mammoth from some more of the Empire ogres. This trick helped save my troops and was again the result of my much better luck with magic. These ogres were eventually wiped out by that last fanatic who went on a rampage.
This is where the battle was decided. While my mammoths were out being kept busy, Elliot's general and his retinue cut a path in to my battle line. He challenged my general to single combat and managed to capture him and held him as a prisoner. Then both ends folded in and my troops were forced to fight in opposite directions. This caused them to lose support for each other, which created more problems. In this photo you can see my general and shield bearers being carried along with Ellliot's knights. (We broke a model and substituted an unpainted centaur as a stand in.) My general managed to make his escape roll and rejoin my crumbling infantry line, only to be killed fighting the next turn.
This marks the end of the fight. My troops are demoralized and scattered, while the enemy is reforming for an assault on the mammoths. Battlewagons are vulnerable to infantry assaults. Infantry can board them and kill the crew, commandeering the battlewagon for their own use. Faced with a lot of good quality enemy infantry and little support, my mammoths would have been captured and the crew killed for sure. Elliot managed to win despite having a totally hapless wizard. I think he cast one spell and failed to dispel a slew of my shaman's.
In this game there were mostly odd minis from old companies. I have to say it was a good game that swung back and forth and was decided by some clever moves on Elliot's part and by my heavy hitters being held up just long enough.
And here is the victorious general. I have no idea who made this mini, but I always like the style. Very no-nonsense and what I imagine a real warrior would look like in the field.
There is a trend for a lot of minis to have what I call the "Liberace" effect.This is Liberace in case you never heard of him. He always overdressed a bit. Below are pics of 2 women. If these were both minis one would be a lot better to paint for sure. But in real life one looks a lot tougher than the other in my opinion.
Anyhow, it was a lot of fun to roll dice and move figures. And in 4 days I will be hosting a slot car race night. If I get a moment I will take a few pics and post a report of that. Some of us are going to make ork battlewagons to race at some point. :)
It is really nice to have a pile of hobbies to keep me occupied. I rate FR! second edition every bit the equal of the very earliest Magic the Gathering and Squad Leader as the best games I have ever been fortunate enough to play. It is abstract in many areas but it plays very well. I only have a slight dislike for the missile fire system, and think undead are a little too tough. Other than that it is simply a delight.
If anything of note happens I will report it. And expect a smaller scale modular building to come along soon and be available in the store and on the kick starter . If it ever stops freezing.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Tax Time!
Just wanted to share a video of my visit to the accountant. He filled me in on how the government feels about my little operation.
Seriously, they do not even allow a saving throw.
So, time to pick up the pieces and buy some lottery tickets.
I have a shot of the sprue that was designed by one of the artists I am working with.
This is the figure I had printed 2 times. The first time it was the correct height, but of a slight build. It was correct, and not heroic. The second time I increased it by 120% in scale and it was nice and chunky, but too tall. This final set has that bulky look we all have come to love in our minis. The gates supplying plastic to the parts is not added. The area around the parts is taken up by the parting and sealing areas. 2 guys per sprue with some head and weapon options.
As soon as the weather gets warm enough I will venture in to the shop and have a go at this. At this point a sane person would have given up, but I set a goal of making my own plastic people and it seems that at some time around the age of 90 I will have a blob of plastic on table that looks like something.
Actually I am hoping this works out. I have gone over that parting line about 10 times looking for potential problem spots. The curved lines that weave about the edges have to be perfect or you get flash. One tiny error and you are done.
Will post an update if anything of interest shows up.
In the meantime, have a nice winter.
Seriously, they do not even allow a saving throw.
So, time to pick up the pieces and buy some lottery tickets.
I have a shot of the sprue that was designed by one of the artists I am working with.
This is the figure I had printed 2 times. The first time it was the correct height, but of a slight build. It was correct, and not heroic. The second time I increased it by 120% in scale and it was nice and chunky, but too tall. This final set has that bulky look we all have come to love in our minis. The gates supplying plastic to the parts is not added. The area around the parts is taken up by the parting and sealing areas. 2 guys per sprue with some head and weapon options.
As soon as the weather gets warm enough I will venture in to the shop and have a go at this. At this point a sane person would have given up, but I set a goal of making my own plastic people and it seems that at some time around the age of 90 I will have a blob of plastic on table that looks like something.
Actually I am hoping this works out. I have gone over that parting line about 10 times looking for potential problem spots. The curved lines that weave about the edges have to be perfect or you get flash. One tiny error and you are done.
Will post an update if anything of interest shows up.
In the meantime, have a nice winter.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Dungeons and Dragons business school
Good day folks. I often get comments on my lack of business knowledge. ( ok, comments is a bit of an understatement. Long and definitive e-mails with a power point presentation of my errors might be a better description) Today I want to assure readers and fellow entrepreneurs that all the skills you ever need to make your dreams come true can be gained around a kitchen table with some odd shaped dice. The parallels are too many to list but I will guide you through a few of them.
First off, it helps to have a party. Each member of which should have a different skill set so they can compliment each other. This is very important. A party of 5 fighters and no thief will be thwarted by the first locked door they are unable to bash open, or poisoned by the first trap. Try going through a dungeon with no healer, or reading s scroll with no wizard.
A game company should not have 98 playtesters and no rules writer for example.
An alternative is for one person to attempt to do everything and be a multi class character. This creates very slow level advancement as ones experience points get spread around to way too many skills. This can work sometimes, but you wind up with a 105 year old character who is a 4th level- fighter/thief/wizard/cleric/bard/etc. etc. etc. By the time this character gets to any meaningful level he is suffering from advanced age and dies.
If you lack a party and your character has sufficient charisma you can get followers. These chaps go along for the ride with the vague promise of future riches and can be useful. It works best if they get eaten by a troll after they have safely helped you cross the treacherous swamplands. That way your character gets free assistance and those losers are out of the way before the treasure. In other words, their wife forces them to get a real job at some point in your project while you get to still be aided by all the free work they did. Not naming any names, but this may have occurred in the past to some people I have met via e-mail who worked with a company that they have since parted ways with.
The types of people in your business are like D and D character. The "tank" fighter in heavy armor who takes all the blows is the financial backer who funds the operation. He winds up a bloody and battered mess even if the quests succeeds. The thief would be the web master, who figures out all the intricate tricks to getting good exposure online. The assassin is the guy who covertly trolls forums stalking the right place to strike with a link. While the bard is the non-stop talker who is great to send to conventions to amuse the customers. You get the idea. The principles of lean manufacturing require a company to examine its process and eliminate any step that does not add value to the end customer. I try to do this and trim things down to keep the operation very lean. If it is not adding something of value to the CUSTOMER, it has to go. For gaming, take only the characters needed for the task. In the above case, if the party is starving in the wilderness the bard gets eaten first.
It is important that the party members have a similar alignment. Nothing worse than being a Paladin and finding out the party tortured some nuns while you were not looking in order to find the location of the offerings so they could steal it. Likewise, it sucks to wake up and realize you have been sold to Drow slavers and are destined for eunuch duty in the harems of some sultan, while the other party members go through you back pack. Be vigilant for alignment shifts during the game. The party sometimes thinks they can get away with eating the children of the local farmers, but the DM is watching. When the entire party gets burned at the stake by an angry mob they have no one to blame but themselves. One well known game company has fallen in to the worship of share holders, and the resultant corruption has left a trail of angry and bitter customers. A once proud and mighty deliverer of fun and joy to the world turned in to a hated corporate profit machine. The hobbyists have been gathering kindling for some time......................
Once you have a party, you need a quest. Visiting the local inn for rumors usually works, but beware of false rumors. Not all treasure is created equal. Some promises vanish in the light of day and many dungeons are just too dangerous to mount a profitable expedition. Along the way you will see the corpses of those who went before you broken and littering the grounds. Some of these can be re-animated and help out with clues as to what killed them so you can avoid a similar fate. Of course every true adventurer knows that regardless of the number of bodies outside the den, you just have to charge in swinging. You must have a delusional sense of self confidence to attempt it. And if you picked up a doppleganger in the inn it is really going to suck when he sticks a spear in your spleen at the most inopportune time. Not sure if ANY time is good for having a spear rammed in your spleen, but you get the point. The forum is the equivalent of the inn in fantasy role playing. Forums are filled with a bewildering assortment of people of all types. Some should be avoided, ( no- really avoided) Hidden amongst all the crap are a few gems. Finding a few good contacts on forums is a huge help. Of course we all no how misleading the internet can be. I have tried help people along the way, and will still do what I can. I am helping someone do a kick starter in March, and will always do what I can to help other dreamers along. As long as they do not have a dream of killing me................
This guy believes in his dream- Guy with confidence
And finally- know your level. This is vey important. If all of your party members are 1st level, it really does not matter HOW much loot that ancient red dragon has in its lair. You are going to be burned to a crisp and eaten. The death of the whole party is a certainty. Why not smack around that hobbit baker in town and shake the change out of his pockets to test yourself? Then you can move on to something bigger and better, maybe ambushing an orc fisherman for his bait, charming a gnome to lower his prices on iron rations, pillaging that kobold refugee camp where the survivors gathered after being displaced by goblins, and finally getting a vampire so angry he pursues you in to the sunlight and dies. Currently I am a second level plastic maker, but first level at everything else regarding running a business. If I make functional infantry I will be celebrating 3rd level! Getting a better web site would make me second level in that too.
So there it is, forget business school and just play a FRP game. You need the right bunch and a lot of nerve.
As for getting things done.......well I shoveled snow yesterday, ice comes tonight, and then a lot of snow later in the week. Come spring, things are going to be a lot more interesting.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
A New Year Dawns
Hi Folks,
Just a couple quick updates;
Chase Bank announced the grant winners and I was deemed unworthy. A very sincere thank you to the folks who at least got me to the panel, where the rejection was by major business leaders instead of underlings. It was nice to see some support from the community. That grant money was most likely a tiny fraction of the trillions the banks got from tax payers in bailouts, so in a way we gave them a grant........and had no say in it. Oh well. The winners were all pretty deserving and I want to say congratulations to them.
I have removed the video from You tube. How-to tips are going to be very limited from now on. You can read between the lines on this. Still learning the ropes and this business can be a bit cut throat it seems.
Ok, now the unhappy parts are over.
Overall I expect it to be another fine year. The Pontiac is waiting for the sun to return so we can commence raising hell. I have a new track layout in the slot car room that is even better than the last track, which I had titled best ever. My 40K models continue to be sold to buy slot cars. I have decided to focus on WW2, my insane project of 1/72 scale sci-fi, (this project will be detailed more in the future), and Warhammer Fantasy Battle. ( dark elves went up in price 20% since my blog post complaining about it, so I am limited to old models and proxies for the future) I have almost all of the armies from the Ravening Hordes supplement. Combined with 8th edition this makes for a perfect combination.
I will post a more complete update when something worthwhile happens. Remember- Follow your path. Try to avoid distractions. And do something you like.
I am posting a link to an article about creating video games. The advice is quite good and most of it I already know and try to follow.
Also, here is an image of another one of the single part models. Everything is being combined in to one solid part with no undercuts. The face is barely visible but it results in a model with a more lifelike rifle grasp. This view is a single 2-dimensional mesh. Imagine a painting on a piece of glass that shows the same image from either side. I started with this on that troll I did a long time ago but then tried to get fancy and got away from it. Now I want to try this again. I hope the features are grossly out of proportion enough to match the "heroic" look. I try to keep things simple, mostly because I have no choice with this Fred Flinstone set-up.
I got 3 of these mostly done and will keep working on them as time allows. Right now things are at a standstill due to this "climate change" that features bitterly cold weather.
I took this pic out in the shop the other day. Luckily I am blessed with an ample layer of natural insulation, but the machines are not so equipped. The oil turns in to goo and the machine will simply not cycle. I ran a heater on it for 5 hours and it still blew out the circuit breakers when I turned it on about 5 times. It really is a problem.
Once things warm up I will endeavor to get something done. So I will post some more news then.
Stay warm folks and have fun!
Just a couple quick updates;
Chase Bank announced the grant winners and I was deemed unworthy. A very sincere thank you to the folks who at least got me to the panel, where the rejection was by major business leaders instead of underlings. It was nice to see some support from the community. That grant money was most likely a tiny fraction of the trillions the banks got from tax payers in bailouts, so in a way we gave them a grant........and had no say in it. Oh well. The winners were all pretty deserving and I want to say congratulations to them.
I have removed the video from You tube. How-to tips are going to be very limited from now on. You can read between the lines on this. Still learning the ropes and this business can be a bit cut throat it seems.
Ok, now the unhappy parts are over.
Overall I expect it to be another fine year. The Pontiac is waiting for the sun to return so we can commence raising hell. I have a new track layout in the slot car room that is even better than the last track, which I had titled best ever. My 40K models continue to be sold to buy slot cars. I have decided to focus on WW2, my insane project of 1/72 scale sci-fi, (this project will be detailed more in the future), and Warhammer Fantasy Battle. ( dark elves went up in price 20% since my blog post complaining about it, so I am limited to old models and proxies for the future) I have almost all of the armies from the Ravening Hordes supplement. Combined with 8th edition this makes for a perfect combination.
I will post a more complete update when something worthwhile happens. Remember- Follow your path. Try to avoid distractions. And do something you like.
I am posting a link to an article about creating video games. The advice is quite good and most of it I already know and try to follow.
Also, here is an image of another one of the single part models. Everything is being combined in to one solid part with no undercuts. The face is barely visible but it results in a model with a more lifelike rifle grasp. This view is a single 2-dimensional mesh. Imagine a painting on a piece of glass that shows the same image from either side. I started with this on that troll I did a long time ago but then tried to get fancy and got away from it. Now I want to try this again. I hope the features are grossly out of proportion enough to match the "heroic" look. I try to keep things simple, mostly because I have no choice with this Fred Flinstone set-up.
I got 3 of these mostly done and will keep working on them as time allows. Right now things are at a standstill due to this "climate change" that features bitterly cold weather.
I took this pic out in the shop the other day. Luckily I am blessed with an ample layer of natural insulation, but the machines are not so equipped. The oil turns in to goo and the machine will simply not cycle. I ran a heater on it for 5 hours and it still blew out the circuit breakers when I turned it on about 5 times. It really is a problem.
Once things warm up I will endeavor to get something done. So I will post some more news then.
Stay warm folks and have fun!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Funny Article from the Onion
Encouraging Economic Report Reveals More Americans Delusional Enough To Start Their Own Business

Statistics show that a rising number of completely deluded Americans are actually crazy enough to start new businesses.
CAMBRIDGE, MA—According to a promising new economic report published Wednesday by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a steadily growing number of Americans have become delusional enough to open their own businesses.
The report, which described its findings as “highly encouraging for near-term economic growth,” confirmed that over 200,000 small businesses were founded in 2013 by entrepreneurial Americans who have completely and utterly lost their grip on reality, and noted that the number of bold and frankly insane Americans applying for new business permits had risen markedly over the past year.
“The recession of 2008 devastated small businesses throughout the country, but thankfully, recent data have shown a sizable increase in the percentage of Americans who have completely fooled themselves into believing that starting an independently run business is not only a viable option, but one that actually makes sense in the current economic climate,” said James Hemley, an economist at MIT and lead author of the report. “Every day, we’re seeing more entrepreneurs who are deluded to such a degree that they are confidently investing their entire life savings in new and unquestionably ill-fated restaurants, storefronts, and online businesses.”
“What’s remarkable is that these completely deranged people have such an ill-placed faith in the long-term stability of the small business landscape that they’re somehow optimistic about their financial future,” Hemley continued. “And that utter detachment from the real world is great news for the economy.”
Hemley explained to reporters that in spite of the litany of clear indications that the global economy remained highly unsettled and hazardous, a bright new wave of Americans are currently forging ahead under the fundamentally flawed and entirely irrational belief that their new businesses will attract wealthy investors and establish a loyal consumer base. The promising trend has also reportedly led thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs to conclude that securing large bank loans at high interest rates—which will almost certainly lead to insolvency and personal financial ruin—is a good idea.
“The most encouraging sign we’re seeing is that many new entrepreneurs are living in such a far-fetched, dreamlike stupor that they’re actually making significant investments in infrastructure and payroll,” Hemley said. “These entirely nonsensical investments will certainly have a positive impact on the job market, as these new ventures create thousands of new jobs for several months until these doomed companies can no longer keep their doors open and inevitably collapse into bankruptcy.”
According to the encouraging report, 67 percent of self-identified new entrepreneurs are deranged to such an extent that they’ve convinced themselves the U.S. economy has rebounded to the point that a small business can not only turn a profit, but thrive and eventually expand. The study also found that 78 percent are so severely demented that they believed a tiny, independently run business could compete with the far larger and more powerful national corporate hierarchy.
Furthermore, the report confirmed that nine in 10 new entrepreneurs had bought into such an illusory fantasy world that they genuinely believed opening a small business would ensure a steady paycheck, a comfortable life for their families, and a good education for their children, rather than accepting the future of devastation and hardship that certainly awaited them within the next 18 months once their businesses were gone and they were left with nothing.
“According to our projections, the number of totally senseless entrepreneurs will only continue to grow over the next several quarters, and as they invest more and more money—money that they will never, ever get back—into their businesses, their local economies will benefit,” Hemley said. “It just goes to show that in spite of everything—even the most basic and plainly apparent common sense—the great American entrepreneurial spirit will never die.”
“As long as these people continue to be out of their goddamn minds, our economic future appears bright,” Hemley added.
The report, which described its findings as “highly encouraging for near-term economic growth,” confirmed that over 200,000 small businesses were founded in 2013 by entrepreneurial Americans who have completely and utterly lost their grip on reality, and noted that the number of bold and frankly insane Americans applying for new business permits had risen markedly over the past year.
“The recession of 2008 devastated small businesses throughout the country, but thankfully, recent data have shown a sizable increase in the percentage of Americans who have completely fooled themselves into believing that starting an independently run business is not only a viable option, but one that actually makes sense in the current economic climate,” said James Hemley, an economist at MIT and lead author of the report. “Every day, we’re seeing more entrepreneurs who are deluded to such a degree that they are confidently investing their entire life savings in new and unquestionably ill-fated restaurants, storefronts, and online businesses.”
“What’s remarkable is that these completely deranged people have such an ill-placed faith in the long-term stability of the small business landscape that they’re somehow optimistic about their financial future,” Hemley continued. “And that utter detachment from the real world is great news for the economy.”
Hemley explained to reporters that in spite of the litany of clear indications that the global economy remained highly unsettled and hazardous, a bright new wave of Americans are currently forging ahead under the fundamentally flawed and entirely irrational belief that their new businesses will attract wealthy investors and establish a loyal consumer base. The promising trend has also reportedly led thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs to conclude that securing large bank loans at high interest rates—which will almost certainly lead to insolvency and personal financial ruin—is a good idea.
“The most encouraging sign we’re seeing is that many new entrepreneurs are living in such a far-fetched, dreamlike stupor that they’re actually making significant investments in infrastructure and payroll,” Hemley said. “These entirely nonsensical investments will certainly have a positive impact on the job market, as these new ventures create thousands of new jobs for several months until these doomed companies can no longer keep their doors open and inevitably collapse into bankruptcy.”
According to the encouraging report, 67 percent of self-identified new entrepreneurs are deranged to such an extent that they’ve convinced themselves the U.S. economy has rebounded to the point that a small business can not only turn a profit, but thrive and eventually expand. The study also found that 78 percent are so severely demented that they believed a tiny, independently run business could compete with the far larger and more powerful national corporate hierarchy.
Furthermore, the report confirmed that nine in 10 new entrepreneurs had bought into such an illusory fantasy world that they genuinely believed opening a small business would ensure a steady paycheck, a comfortable life for their families, and a good education for their children, rather than accepting the future of devastation and hardship that certainly awaited them within the next 18 months once their businesses were gone and they were left with nothing.
“According to our projections, the number of totally senseless entrepreneurs will only continue to grow over the next several quarters, and as they invest more and more money—money that they will never, ever get back—into their businesses, their local economies will benefit,” Hemley said. “It just goes to show that in spite of everything—even the most basic and plainly apparent common sense—the great American entrepreneurial spirit will never die.”
“As long as these people continue to be out of their goddamn minds, our economic future appears bright,” Hemley added.

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