Friday, April 19, 2019

Last post here-

  OK, the web site drama is finally coming to an end.

  Here is a summary.  I had been using a Weebly web site, this blog hosted by Blogger, and a e-commerce set up by Open Cart. A bit of  mash up but it worked.

  I recently finished the interior for slot car scratch builds and place it for sale in the store. Inevitably someone tried to look at it with a mobile device and it did not work. On January 1st, during a bit of time off, I had a go at upgrading the Open Cart to a newer version.  The result was a complete wipe out of everything.

  Accepting the fact I was utterly incompetent at web site stuff, an attempt was made to hire someone to repair the damage.  The cost was insanely high for local talent.  I turned to an online freelance site called Upwork. Within minutes someone had agreed to build my site for a reasonable cost.  They had to be given passwords and access to the web host and site admin.

 Weeks went by with no progress. Eventually they stopped answering my emails.

  I finally terminated the contract but found out they had changed password access to my site and hosting.  After some calls to tech support and some intricate coding access was finally restored. In spite of this set back another effort was made to hire a freelancer.  This was far more successful. Within days the new site was created.

  Current site is all Wordpress. Shopping cart and blog are integrated. There are now unlimited pages available. I still have to do a lot of tweaking but it is back online.  Future posts will be hosted at

So finally I can get back to work.


Friday, January 4, 2019

New Year issue.

  This is a quick update regarding the web store.

  It has been destroyed utterly.  After numerous complaints that is does not work with mobile devices I set about upgrading on January 1st.  A fresh year and a fresh store upgrade.

  Hilariously, it did not go as planned. 13 hours later pretty much everything is ruined. My lifelong motto has been " I will fix it, or break it so it can not be fixed."  Well in this case the latter has occurred. If you go to the web store you might notice cell phones and stuff.  I do not sell those.................

  So things are offline for a while.

  More updates as things improve.